HELENA – A Montana Highway Patrol (MHP) trooper was run over today by a suspect vehicle during a vehicle pursuit on Highway 37 near Eureka. The trooper was flown to the hospital and is in stable condition. Attorney General Austin Knudsen issued the following statement:
“Please join me in praying for our Montana Highway Patrol trooper who was seriously injured while apprehending suspects fleeing law enforcement today. I’m thankful for our Montana law enforcement officers who put on their uniform every day not knowing what dangers they may face.”
MHP Colonel Steve Lavin issued the following statement:
“Our hearts go out to our MHP trooper and all law enforcement involved in today’s vehicle pursuit. This is a harsh reminder of the dangers we face in our jobs as law enforcement officers. I have no doubt the citizens of our great state will join with me in prayer for our trooper, the MHP family, and all law enforcement in this trying time.”