The Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) at the Montana Department of Justice is involved in many aspects of Montana law enforcement and is integral to the Department of Justice’s mission of promoting public safety.
In most investigations conducted by DCI agents, city, county, state, and federal law enforcement agencies with primary jurisdiction in a case must request the assistance of DCI to mobilize resources.
About DCI – The Bureaus
The division consists of 4 bureaus. The pages linked below provide more information about this diverse division and the important work its agents, instructors, programmers, and others do every day.

The Investigations Bureau consists of agents and public safety professionals working in a variety of capacities to assist Montana law enforcement agencies with cases involving major crimes. The bureau also engages in public safety measures to protect consumers, the elderly, and conducts life safety inspections through the State Fire Marshal’s Office.

The Narcotics Bureau is a statewide drug enforcement agency that initiates and conducts all types of dangerous drug investigations throughout Montana.

The Crime Information Bureau is home to Montana’s statewide criminal information databases. The Crime Information Bureau also runs the state’s Sexual or Violent Offender Registry (SVOR), an on-line, searchable, public database of offenders and the Computer and Internet Crimes Unit.

The Special Services Bureau represents a fundamental change to the way Montana responds to victims through advanced training, organization, and facilities for all the professionals who respond to a reports of victims.
Lee Johnson, Division Administrator
Division of Criminal Investigation
2225 11th Avenue
P.O. Box 201417
Helena, MT 59620-0151
Phone: (406) 444-3874
E-mail: [email protected]