Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s rewrite of federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) regulations to ban so-called “ghost guns”:
Assembling firearms for their own use is a tradition and right that Americans have exercised since the founding of our nation. This new rule will not make Montanans safer as criminals will continue to ignore the law. It will shut down firearm companies, allow the government to end online sales of parts, and expand federal access to gun owner data – all by executive decree. I will continue to stand with my fellow Montana gun owners and fight against President Biden’s attacks on our rights.
The ATF itself estimated its regulation would shutdown 35 businesses at a cost of $1.1 million, however, the economic costs and burden will likely be much greater. Additionally, the rule will make it more difficult and expensive for Montanans to repair their own firearms, while also requiring them to undergo a background check to buy parts to do so.
Attorney General Knudsen submitted formal comments to the ATF opposing the proposed rulemaking in August 2021.
He also led an effort to stop the confirmation of President Biden’s anti-gun nominee to lead the ATF, has been actively working against other federal infringements of Montanans’ firearm rights, and is fighting attempts to overturn a new state law that expands the ability of Montanans to protect themselves.