
The Milltown Dam was located just east of Missoula, Montana, at the confluence of the Clark Fork and Blackfoot rivers. After construction in 1906, the dam withstood the Clark Fork Basin flood of record in 1908. During the past century, mine waste materials washed downstream from the Butte and Anaconda mining and smelting activities, creating some 6.6 million cubic yards (mcy) of contaminated sediment accumulation behind the Milltown Dam. The Milltown Reservoir/Clark Fork River Superfund Site was listed on the National Priority List (Superfund) in 1983.The NRDP integrated restoration actions with the EPA and BP-Atlantic Richfield (BP-AR) remedial activities to create a naturally functioning river and floodplain system where the reservoir once existed.
NRDP developed the Restoration Plan for the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers near the Former Milltown Dam (Restoration Plan) in collaboration with the United States Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS), Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT).
The Restoration Plan identified these restoration project goals:
- Restore the confluence of the Blackfoot and Clark Fork Rivers to a naturally functioning, stable system appropriate for the geomorphic setting;
- Use native materials, to the extent practicable, for stabilizing channel, banks, and floodplains to improve water quality by reducing bank erosion of contaminated sediments;
- Provide adequate channel and floodplain capacity to accommodate sediment transport and channel dynamics appropriate for the geomorphic setting;
- Provide high quality habitat for fish and wildlife, including upstream and downstream migration for all native and coldwater sport fishes;
- Provide high quality wetlands and riparian communities, where feasible and appropriate for the proposed stream type;
- Improve visual and aesthetic values through natural channel design, revegetation and the use of native materials;
- Assess the pros and cons of removing or relocating the powerhouse and other dam structures not removed by remedy, with consideration of cost and integrity of remediation and restoration. Also consider the risk of damage to the restored reaches due to backwater effects during floods;
- Minimize habitats that will promote non-native undesirable fish species;
- Provide increased recreational opportunities compatible with other restoration goals, such as whitewater boating and fishing; and
- Supplement revegetation activities proposed by remedy to increase floodplain vegetation diversity.