The Department of Justice develops rules by which it implements state law. The department accepts public comment on proposed rules, which are then filed with the Secretary of State’s Office. That office publishes and distributes the final administrative rules adopted by state agencies, available online at Administrative Rules of Montana and Montana Administrative Register.

Proposed Rules

Interested Persons: To receive notice of proposed rules relating to department legislation or a particular division or subject area, fill out the Request for Notice of Rulemaking by an Interested Person form and return it to the Rule Reviewer.

Adopted Rules

Contact the Department of Justice

To submit comments on proposed Department of Justice administrative rules, contact the Department of Justice:

E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (406) 444-3549

Mail: Rule Reviewer
Department of Justice
P.O. Box 201401
Helena, MT 59620-1401

Please include your name and complete mailing address.