Our Vision and Mission

The vision of the Forensic Science Division (FSD) laboratory is to ensure an adequately funded and robust forensic science laboratory environment, staffed with engaged, certified forensic scientists working with high quality instrumentation and using validated procedures to provide accurate, objective, and timely analyses in accordance with international accreditation standards in service of the criminal justice community and the citizens of Montana.

The mission of the Montana Forensic Science Division is to use operationally efficient and financially responsible practices as the laboratory provides accurate, objective, and timely forensic analyses to the criminal justice community in order to maximize value to the citizens of Montana.

Locations & Sections

The Forensic Science Division has facilities in both Missoula and Billings. Both offering different services. The services are summarized and methods of evidence delivery are below.

Medical Examiner System

The system is a partnership between the Forensic Science Division’s medical examiners and coroners to promote the health, well-being, and safety of the citizens of Montana through education, service, and compassionate, professional death investigation. The medical examiners’ work helps determine cause and manner of death, identify bodies, document injuries, and detect the presence of disease.

Locations: Missoula, Billings

The Quality Assurance Manager is responsible for maintaining the Laboratory’s International Accreditation, including planning internal audits, implementing corrective actions, monitoring analyst proficiency tests, tracking testimony review, and facilitating annual surveillance visits and external assessments. Additionally, the Quality Assurance Manager fulfills all discovery requests for the laboratory.

Locations: Missoula

The Biology unit is responsible for the analysis of evidence from crimes with the purpose of identifying and individualizing biological materials found as a part of that evidence, including performing Serology, Y-screening, DNA, and Y-STRs. The Biology section also participates in CODIS (Combined DNA Index System), the FBI’s national DNA database program.

Locations: Missoula

The Latent Prints section identifies, preserves, and compares skin impressions, including fingerprints, palm prints, and footprints.

Locations: Missoula

Toxicology Section

Toxicology staff members analyze biological samples for the presence of drugs, poisons, and other toxins in post mortem, DUI, sexual assault, and probation/parole cases. Scientists often assist coroners in determining the cause of death.

A non-comprehensive list of drug screening and quantitative testing performed by the Toxicology Section can be found here: Montana Toxicology Drug Screening and Montana Toxicology Drug Quantitation. The Breath Alcohol System maintains and certifies breath-testing instruments used to detect the presence of alcohol in DUI cases. The lab also trains officers in the proper use of the equipment.

Locations: Missoula

Evidence Section

Evidence intake is the gatekeeper for all submitted evidence.  Evidence Technicians ensure that submission forms are filled out correctly and that all evidence is packaged and sealed properly to protect against loss or contamination.

Locations: Missoula, Billings

Firearms/Toolmarks Section

Scientists examine evidence such as weapons, ammunition, and toolmarks. Additional services include serial number restoration, fracture match comparison, and GSR distance determination.

Locations: Missoula

Chemical Analysis Section

Drug chemistry specialists analyze samples seized in cases involving dangerous drugs, contents of clandestine labs, and primer gunshot residue.

Locations: Missoula, Billings

Missoula Laboratory

Send Post Office delivery to:

P.O. Box 16170
Missoula, MT 59808

Send UPS or FedEx delivery to:

2679 Palmer Street
Missoula, MT 59808
(406) 728 4970

In person delivery is accepted between 8am and 4pm.

Available services: Medical Examiner, Toxicology, Chemical Analysis, Firearms/Toolmarks, Latent Prints, Biology, Quality Assurance, and Evidence sections

Billings Laboratory

Send all deliveries to:

1516 4th Avenue North, Suite 1
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 255 1101

In person delivery is accepted between 8am and 4pm.

Available services: Medical Examiner, Chemical Analysis, and Evidence sections

Contact Information

Travis Spinder
Forensic Science Division
Department of Justice

2679 Palmer Street
P.O. Box 16170
Missoula, MT 59808

Phone: 406.728.4970
E-mail: [email protected]