The Montana Law Enforcement Academy (MLEA) is the premier law enforcement and public safety educational and training institution for state, county, city and tribal officers throughout the state. MLEA offers entry-level programs referred to as Basic Programs and advanced training through an array of Professional Development Programs.

Basic Programs

Basic training for all peace officers, correction / detention officers and public safety communicators.

Professional Programs

Professional Programs are advanced courses offered to officers who are employed by a law enforcement or public safety agency.

Statewide Training Courses

Additional courses sponsored by other federal, state, county, city or tribal law enforcement or public safety agencies and accredited by the Public Safety Officer Standards & Training Council.

MLEA Mission

The mission of the MLEA is to serve law enforcement agencies and the communities they represent by providing a positive atmosphere where relevant and realistic training for new and veteran public safety professionals can occur.

As administrators of Montana’s law enforcement and public safety education and training institution, we recognize that well-qualified and highly trained law enforcement and public safety professionals are essential to providing effective and efficient service to the people of Montana.


(406) 513-9665
[email protected]

PSC, LEOB, CDOB Acadis Non-Sworn accounts and assistance

(406) 444-9953
[email protected]

Professional Programs and eLearning

(406) 444-9975
[email protected]

POST Training and Approval Acadis Sworn accounts and assistance

Our Location

MLEA Address

2260 Sierra Road East
Helena, MT 59602