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Letters of Advice – 2012

Disclaimer: The Department of Justice expends considerable effort to ensure that the letters of advice appearing on our website are true copies of the originals on file in our office. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of a printed copy that you did not personally download from the website.

Subject Request Requester Date Issued
County Government Does Montana law allow registered voters to complete and return an absentee ballot at a satellite office, or must registered electors travel to the county seat in order to do so? And, if so, must these satellite offices be open for the entire 30-day period when absentee ballots are available? Secretary of State Linda McCulloch
August 17, 2012
Worker’s Compensation liability Are the outstanding workers’ compensation claims for injuries resulting from accidents
that occurred before July 1, 1990 (so-called Old Fund Claims) a legal liability of the
Montana State fund or a legal liability of the State of Montana?
Janet R. Kelly, Director
Department of Administration
March 16, 2012


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