HELENA – The Montana Highway Patrol (MHP) is reminding motorists to pay attention to all school bus and school zone traffic laws as students return to the classroom. By simply following the law and taking necessary precautions, motorists can help ensure Montana students get to and from school safely.
“Always pay attention to your surroundings when you’re on the road, and especially when you’re near a school bus,” said MHP Colonel Kurt Sager. “Never pass a school bus that’s flashing it’s red lights and loading or unloading students.”
Keep these traffic laws in mind when approaching a school bus:
- Prepare to slow down when you see the amber/yellow flashing lights. Stop 30 feet from a stopped school bus when it is flashing red lights.
- When a school bus is stopped at a four-way intersection, vehicles can’t turn left, turn right, or pass the school bus.
- When the stop arm is out on a school bus and there is a raised median, all traffic traveling in the same direction as the bus must stop.
- When the stop arm is out on a school bus on a non-divided highway or two-lane road, traffic traveling all directions must stop within 30 feet of the bus.
MHP also reminds Montanans to slow down and pay attention to the changing speed limits in school zones, look for children crossing the street near schools, and not to pass a school bus that is stopped.
Reckless driving penalties for drivers who pass, in either direction, a stopped school bus that is displaying the visual flashing red signal is a $285 fine for a first offense and a $785 for a second offense.