Clark Fork River Operable Unit

Site History
In May 2004, the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Clark Fork River Operable Unit (CFROU) was released by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 2004). The 2008 Montana v. ARCO Consent Decree (CD) allocated $26.7 million (M), plus interest, to restore, replace, or acquire the equivalent of the injured aquatic and riparian resources of the Clark Fork River within the Clark Fork River Operable Unit (CFROU). The CFROU CD identifies two categories of restoration actions for the Clark Fork River: restoration actions and restoration in lieu of remedy. An Explanation of Significant Differences (ESD) for the ROD was issued in 2015. In 2019, the State updated the 2007 Restoration Plan by completing the Clark Fork River Aquatic and Riparian Restoration and Prioritization Analysis (Geum et al. 2019). Restoration actions included in the 2020 Revised Restoration Plan for the Clark Fork River Aquatic and Riparian Resources (Final) were identified during implementation of the integrated remediation/restoration actions in completed phases of the Clark Fork River.