The State of Montana 9-1-1 Program assists local and tribal governments in the development of 9-1-1 emergency systems throughout the state. The program manages the quarterly allocation and distribution of state 9-1-1 revenues and monitors use of the funding by local and tribal governments and wireless service providers.
The 9-1-1 grant program (beginning in SFY 2019) is a state-funded program created by the 2017 Legislature. The program’s legislative purpose is to support the implementation, operation, and maintenance of 9-1-1 systems, equipment, devices, and data.
Grant Information
*2024 Grant Info: SFY2024 grant awards
*2023 Grant Info: SFY2023 grant awards
HB597 / 2023 MT Legislative Session
*2022 Grant Info: RFP Vendor for MT ESINet
*2021 Grant Info: SFY2021 grant awards
*2020 Grant Info: SFY2020 grant awards
*2019 Grant Info: SFY2019 grant awards
Program Link Information | Program Link Information |
PSAP Recertification Application coming soon | PSAPs Certified in MT |
PSAP Funding Allocation | PSAP Quarterly Distribution_Q1_2025 |
PSAP Contact List | MT 911 Surcharge Information |
Allowable Uses of QUARTERLY Funding | Allowable Uses of GRANT Funding |
Grant Notice of Funding Availability | Grant Application Form |
Grant-Quarterly-Progress-Report | Grant Payment/Reimbursement Form |
Grant Close Out Form | Text to 911 Jurisdictions in MT |
Program Monitoring of Funds | Annual Expenditure Report |
Governing Statute MCA 2023 | Administrative Rule |
911 Advisory Council Page | 911 Advisory Council Members |
911 Transcript Request/Addressing Issues | GIS NG911 Resources MSL |